Friday, May 24, 2013

Fri.’s Devo - Examining the Lamb

Read Luke 23:1-14 In the passover tradition, a family is to pick the best lamb from their flock and bring it into their house for 10 days to examine it and make sure it has no defects. When they have determined it is spotless, it becomes their passover lamb that is slain for their family. The priests at the temple do the same thing for the Passover Lamb that will stand for the sins of all the people. Jesus was the passover lamb to be slain for all the people and the for 10 days Jesus was examined to see if he was guilty. First, he is brought before Pilate to be examined. He was accused of perverting the nation and forbidding the people to pay taxes to Caesar, and saying that he was the Christ and a king. None of these were true. Pilate asked him if he was the King of the Jews and Jesus reply was, “Thou sayest it.” After that one question and that one answer, Pilate found him innocent. He said he found no fault in him. So the lamb passed his inspection. Now he will be sent to Herod. Of course, the people are not happy with Pilate’s assumption so when they mentioned Galilee, he sent Jesus to Herod who was over Galilee. Herod just happened to be in Jerusalem at the time so he came immediately because he had always wanted to meet Jesus. He wanted to see him perform a miracle. He questioned Jesus but got no reply. Jesus was the lamb who was dumb before his shearers. He spoke not a word. (Is. 53:7) This made the chief priests and scribes even more mad and vicious. Herod and his men made fun of Jesus by putting a robe on him and mocking him. He sent him back to Pilate and they became friends for the first time. They both agreed and Pilate proclaimed Jesus again to be innocent and spotless. So, by two witnesses he is proclaimed spotless and innocent. Lord, you are the spotless lamb who took away our sins. Thank you!

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