Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tues.’s Devo. - Jesus Last Moments With His Disciples

Read Luke 22:31-47 Jesus has just told his disciples that one of them would betray him. While the disciples are murmuring over who the betrayer will be and who of them will be the greatest, Jesus singles out Peter and tells him that Satan desires to sift him like wheat. I bet that took the wind out of Peter’s sail. He is probably thinking he should be the greatest because he was so close to Jesus and now Jesus is making him sound like the betrayer. When Peter tries to defend himself saying he was ready to go to prison and even die for him, Jesus tells him that he is going to deny him 3 times before the cock crows. I wonder if Peter remembered the part where Jesus said, “when you are converted, strengthen your brethren.” That was hope that he would return to what was right. Jesus doesn’t stay there, he gives instructions to all of them. He reminds them that when he was here with them he sent them out without money, a plan, shoes, and they didn’t have need of anything. Now that he will be leaving them he tells them to take money, a plan, and a weapon. They would take on his persecution from now on. Then he led them to the mount of Olives where he told them to pray that they wouldn’t be tempted. He left them and went a few yards away to pray. Jesus prayed that if God willed, he would take this death away from him. But, he reminded God that it was God’s will he wanted over his own. God sent him an angel to minister to him and give him strength. He prayed so deeply that he sweat drops of blood. When he went to find his disciples they were all asleep. Jesus woke them just as Judas and Jesus’ assassins were walking up. Judas walked up and kissed Jesus. The disciples are so human. They worry about themselves above everything. They can’t seem to spend any time in prayer without falling asleep and they don’t know what to do when disaster hits. I can identify with all of these things. I wonder how many times God sends us angels to minister strength to us and we don’t even recognize it. Lord, help us to be less concerned about ourselves and our comforts and more concerned about the kingdom and its results. May we recognize angels and your hand in our lives.

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