Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tues.’s Devo - Trying to Trick the Truth Doesn’t Work

Read Luke 20:21-40 We learned in verse 20 that the religious leaders were now watching and listening to every word Jesus spoke to get him tangled in his own doctrine. So they asked him whether it was lawful in God’s eyes to pay an unrighteous tyrant like Caesar taxes. Jesus knew they were trying to trick him and asked them to give him a penny which held the answer. He asked them whose picture and signature was on the coin. They answered, “Caesar’s”. So the told them to give to Caesar the things that were Caesar’s and to God the things that were his. They were totally unarmed and marveled at his wisdom. Since that didn’t work, a Sadducee come to him with a question. The Sadducees didn’t believe in the resurrection so one of them asked Jesus a question about that. (Read vs. 28-33). Jesus told them that for those who make it to heaven will find that there is no marriage in heaven. In heaven all are equal and all are the children of God. Then he answered their real question of what he believed about the resurrection of the dead. He told them that the dead are resurrected. When Moses met God at the burning bush he told Moses that he was the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob who were dead at the time. To God they were alive because to God - all are alive. The scribes agreed with Jesus because they believed in the resurrection and had always debated this with the Sadducees. The scribes left satisfied. Sometimes I try to picture what I think my parents who have died are doing in heaven. I picture my dad working with God in his workroom creating new things. I imagine my mother visiting with everyone in heaven because she was such a people person. It is so freeing to know that there is no death in the eyes of God concerning his children. We live eternally and that is something to be happy about. Lord, help us live today with eternity in mind.

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