Friday, May 3, 2013

Fri.’s Devo - From Darkness to Light

Read Luke 18:31-43 Have you ever felt like you were throwing your pearls before swine? You pour out truth to people that don’t seem to understand or hear. That is what Jesus did day after day. Today we see him telling the disciples what is about to happen in Jerusalem to him and they don’t comprehend it at all. He tells them he is going to be delivered to the Gentiles, mocked, hated, spit on, scourged, killed and raised on the third day. That was the whole plan in a nutshell and they didn’t understand any of it and to it was hidden from them. Yet Jesus told them because he knew that the Holy Spirit would be able to bring it back to them if he just spoke it. Sometimes we need to just put things out into the atmosphere for a time ahead. On his way to Jerusalem he passed through Jericho, the first city the children of Israel had to conquer when they crossed into the promised land. Jesus was about to cross over into his promised land but first he needed to do something symbolic here. There was a blind man begging by the side of the road. When he found out that Jesus was passing by he cried out for Jesus to have mercy on him and heal him. The disciples tried to get him to be quiet but he cried even louder. Jesus commanded him to be brought to him and asked him what he wanted. He said he wanted to see and Jesus healed his blindness and he glorified God. This was a precursor of what Jesus’ death would do. It would open blind eyes of those who God had chosen and they would praise God. When they defeated Jericho the first time they went at night with lights under earthen vessels. They broke the vessels and blew trumpets and the walls came down. This blind man was the broken vessel living in darkness that Jesus broke to let light come into his eyes. His mouth became the trumpet to proclaim praise to God. Through his conversion the walls of Satan’s kingdom were breached. Lord, break our earthen vessels that your light and praise may break forth.

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