Friday, May 17, 2013

Fri.’s Devo - The Parable of the Last Days

Read Luke 21:29-38 When Jesus teaches a truth he always includes a parable with hidden meaning. Today’s parable explains the teaching he had just given them of the last days. He starts it out with “Behold the fig tree, and all the trees.” The fig tree is Israel and the other trees are the other kingdoms of the world. So he is talking about all the kingdoms of the earth. When they start shooting forth or bearing fruit and growing powerful then you will know the kingdom of God is near. In 1948, Israel became a nation. It has been “shooting forth” ever since. A generation is usually defined by 40 years. I’m not sure when God would determine that Israel is “shooting forth” but I would think it would not be to much longer. I do know this, we are seeing scripture fulfilled before our very eyes and it is exciting and a little alarming at the same time. What Jesus warned them over and over about was to not get tired of waiting, and to not get distracted by the world and all its allurements, but to stay close to God. He also warned them about fear that would cause them to want to revert to drinking or any type of sin that would keep them sedated and not alive and alert. If we stay in tuned to what God is doing he will make a way of escape for us and we will end up standing before the throne of God instead of in the depths of persecution and his wrath. What we see happening around us is not a surprise to God, he has a plan and it has not changed. Jesus will come back to get his bride, the faithful ones, and we will live and reign with him in a new earth that has a new heaven. Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it even entered our hearts of how great God’s plans are. Lord, we wait with eyes open and hearts expecting your coming. We will not be disappointed.

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