Monday, May 27, 2013

Mon.’s Devo - The Crucifixion

Read Luke 23:16-38 Pilate’s plan was to have Jesus disciplined then set free but the crowds had different plans. It was tradition to set free a prisoner at passover so he chose Jesus since his crimes seemed so petty. But the crowds cried out for Barabbus who was a trouble maker and a murderer. Pilate still wanted to release Jesus but the crowd turned to a mob as they shouted to crucify Jesus and release Barabbus. Three times Pilate tries to release Jesus and they cry out for him to be crucified. So Pilate ordered Jesus crucified and released Barabbus. As they led Jesus to be crucified, the grabbed a man called Simon, a Cyrenian who was coming home from being in the count. They made him carry the cross. Many of his disciples mourned and lamented what was happening. Jesus saw a group of his women followers crying and he spoke to them. He told them not to weep for him but for themselves because one day the conditions in the world will be so bad, they will wish they never brought life into it. They will want to end their lives and run for cover anywhere they can find. If they do this when the son of God is here, what will they do when he is gone? Two other men were scheduled to hang that day. They were led away with Jesus and nailed on either side of Jesus at Calvary. Jesus prayed out loud for God to forgive them for they didn’t know what they did. The soldiers ripped up his robe and gambled over who would get it. Some of the Roman rulers teased Jesus saying, “He saved others, let him save himself , if he be Christ, the chosen of God.” Little did they know he was saving others by not saving himself. They wrote a sign over him that said “THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS” in Greek, Latin, and Hebrew. Lord, there are no words to express our sorrow for what you did for us. We are so grateful that your death on the cross was not in vain, but it accomplished what it was suppose to - eternal life for all who believe!

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