Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wed's Devo - Feeding the Enemy

Read Pr. 25:21
I love how God takes us beyond our comfort zone and into the death-to-self-zone. If would be OK if he said to give bread to your friend or family but God says if your enemy is hungry to give him bread and if he is thirsty to give him something to drink. It is explained in the next verse why we should do this. It brings brokenness and forgiveness in us and conviction in him. I know that God's goal is that we won't be enemies anymore. God loves repentance and reconciliation. That is why God says he hates divorce. It is the evidence that one or both people chose not to forgive and be reconciled. God loves a broken and contrite heart. It is hard to hate someone that you are feeding and keeping alive. I saw a video about a Muslim man who came to the US with the intention of killing and destroying. He ended up in a car wreck where he was totally dependent and needy. His doctor took him into his home and loved him. When he finally got back to his own apartment he cried out to Allah and nothing happened. Then he cried out to God and God met him and saved him. He was changed because someone fed and took care of their enemy. Now he is their brother in the Lord.
Lord, may we feed and nourish our enemies through your love.

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