Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wed.'s Devo - Deep Waters

Read Pro. 18:4
If man's words are like deep waters what are the word's of God like? And if wisdom is like a spring or brook then we need to dive in. I was reading in Mat. 13:34-35 where it says that Jesus always spoke to the people in parables then he says that he will talk about things that have been kept a secret since the world was made. Wow! That is very deep. So it makes me want to know what the parables said that is such a secret. All the parables have to do with the kingdom of God. They usually start with a small thing like a coin, seed, or a net and it grows into something much greater. That is the whole concept of the kingdom. It starts as one life, a little faith, one talent, a tithe, a dream, a calling; and it grows into something much greater. That was not a new concept but the concept of being born again and having the spirit of Christ dwelling inside us was a completely new idea. Inconceivable. In the Old Testament God spoke audibly to a select people, but in the New Testament God speaks to anyone who will listen through the Holy Spirit. Jesus rent the veil so that anyone could approach him, not just a priest in linen. When we dive into God's well we become a well spring of wisdom. May we be a flowing brook that drinks from the water of the Word.

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