Monday, November 22, 2010

Mon.'s Devo - Humility...the Road to Promotion

Read Pro. 18:12
There are steps that lead you to either destruction or promotion. The steps that lead to destruction are pride which is ultimately thinking that you don't need God. The world teaches us that we can do it by ourselves and that God is a crutch for the weak. This is foolishness and a deception of the enemy who realizes how powerful we can be when we trust in the Lord. He does not want that.
The steps to promotion or honor are through the hallway of humility. Jesus learned obedience through the things he suffered. Humility is realizing that we can't do anything without God. We think we learn that one but we have to learn it over and over and over because our nature is pride. God's nature is humility. Just think of how humbling it was to create a people who would laugh and mock their creator, and yet God made us anyway. He loves us in our pride but he can use us in our humility. The greatest honor is to have the creator of the universe use you in his plan. He actually does it every day and we are most blessed to be his servants.

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