Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tues.'s Devo - Are you offended?

Read Pro. 18:19
They say it takes 10 kind acts to make up for one offense. I have found that some people come with iron bars around their heart and they would rather keep everyone out. Everything offends them because they have so much hurt in their lives that they haven't dealt with. We all get offended sometime in our lives; many times in our lives. There is only one healthy thing to do with an offense: forgive. Forgiveness can save you from a lifetime of bitterness and pain. Not forgiving is like taking poison and expecting the other person to die; it only hurts you. If you allow offenses in your life then they will chase you down. The devil knows just where our weaknesses are and if he sees an open door he comes barging in with more of the same. Have you ever known a person that everything bad seems to happen to them. It is because they have opened a door to disaster, self-pity, or whatever and the devil has brought more. The devil is merciless. He only has one motive: to kill, steal, and destroy. Jesus came that we might have life and that abundantly.
Lord, we forgive those that have offended us. You said that you could forgive your enemies because they didn't know what they were doing so we do the same. Thank you for grace to do this.

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