Monday, June 1, 2009

Monday's Devo - Hidden in the Name

Read 1 Chron. 3
Notice once again the ones that get counted: David's sons and Josiah's sons. The rest are just listed. David is a picture of Jesus's kingdom on earth and that yet to come. Josiah's is a picture of the Kingdom of God yet to come. David had 6 sons in Hebron. Hebron is a high place on earth where people worshipped God. It was a type of this earthly rule. None of these sons became heir to the throne. He stayed in Hebron 7 1/2 years and moved to Jerusalem.
David's reign in Jerusalem describes his heavenly rule. God's faithful followers will only be on this earth 6,000 years then we will be taken up in shifts. (If you believe in the rapture and the different watches in the night.) (Matt. 24) Millenium will begin during the 7,000th year. When it mentions his sons born in Jerusalem, only Solomon is numbered. He was the 4th. Jesus came in the 4th millenium. Solomon was the son of peace which will also describes the millenial reign. He also was the one who reigned as king. He built God's Temple and a house for himself and he had peace throughout his reign.
Josiah's sons represent what will happen when that time comes. His first son is Johanan which means "to show favor on the faithful". His 2nd means "Jehovah will raise". The 3rd means "the right of Jehovah". And the 4th means "recompense, reward". All these describe what it will be like for the faithful. God will stand up and show favor to the righteous. They will stand before God and get their reward. As I looked up the rest of the descendents names I found things like "God will establish a Jewish king", "kindness will return", "Jehovah has saved", "Jehovah has delivered". All I can say is Halleluiah. What we are waiting for is going to happen and we will be a part of the glory!

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