Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thurs.'s Devo - What's in a Name?

Read 1 Chron 8
This whole chapter is Benjamin's line. Last chapter told about his line and now we are getting the detailed version. Why spend a whole chapter again on Benjamin? If he is a picture of the bride then his offspring must have characteristics of this bride. So lets look at the meaning of some of the names. Benjamin means "son of my right hand" or blessed. A Jewish father puts his right hand on the head of his son when he passes down the blessing to him. Rachel was the wife Jacob loved, who died in childbirth. Joseph was Jacob's favorite son because he was Rachel's offspring. When Benjamin came along he took Joseph's place in Jacob's heart because Joseph was no longer at home. Joseph was a type of Jesus, God's beloved son. When Jesus (Joseph) left the earth the church became his beloved son (Benjamin). Rachel's name means a "ewe" which is a lamb. A lamb had to die to bring forth the church just as Rachel died to bring forth Benjamin.
Let's look at the numbered sons and what their names meant. Benjamin's first born was Bela which means "a gulp; devouring, that which he hath swallowed up". When Jesus died, death was swallowed up in victory (1 Co. 15:54). His second-born, Ashbel means "a man in God". That is a good description of a born-again believer. Another book says "flowing" which is a great picture of moving in the spirit. This third son, Aharah means "brother of breathing; remaining brother". Our brother is Jesus but he has gone to the father; we are the remaining, still-breathing brother. We are to be Jesus to the world through the power of the Holy Spirit. The next brother is Nohab and his means "quietude; resting place". He is the forth son and the number 4 means "to rule" so the bride will be ruling and reigning from the position of rest. The last and fifth son is Rapha which means "he healed: the giant: the feeble one. I don't think of giants as being feeble but I wonder if it doesn't mean that the bride will bring healing to the great and small. (Sometimes giants are feeble inside. We cover our insecurities with a lot of outward fluff.)
As I saw the meaning of some of the other men in the geneology they were great descriptions of the bride of Christ. Notice that Saul, the first king came from this line. May the meaning of our names be written in your book and bring you much glory and pleasure.

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