Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Tues.’s Devo - The Gift

Read: 2 Samuel 22:1-23:23; Acts 2:1-47; Psalm 122:1-9: Proverbs 16:19-20 When David had conquered all his enemies and Saul, he wrote this song. It is repeated in Psalm 18. It is a Messianic Psalm and speaks of what happened on the cross when the sky went dark for three hours. The earth shook and God opened the heavens and came down shrouded in darkness. He veiled his approach in the dense rain clouds. He fought the enemies of Jesus and delivered him from death. He led him to a place of safety and rewarded him for doing his will. He does the same for those who put their trust in him. *** David lists his three mightiest warriors who stood and fought when the whole army ran in fear. The meaning of the first man and where he was from is “The wise ones will return”. The second one means “God helps those he loves”. And, the third means “I will increase the desolation of those who curse”. In a nutshell it is saying that one day we will return with the Lord and destroy all who are cursed. *** David recalls one of the deeds of his three mighty men. He was thirsty so they risked their lives to bring him good water from the well by the gate of Bethlehem. He refused to drink it because it was as precious as their blood. *** Next, David honors Abishai whose name means “the gift of the Father”. He killed 300 enemy warriors in a single battle. And, lastly, David honored Benaiah whose name means “built of Jehovah”. He killed two giants and an army Egyptian warrior. He killed the Egyptian warrior with only a club. The Egyptian had a sword. He killed the man with his own sword. *** In Acts, it is the day of Pentecost when all the Jewish men would assemble to celebrate the feast. All Jesus’ believers were meeting together in the upper room when the Holy Spirit came with the sound of at the roaring mighty wind. It filled the house where they were. Then flames of fire appeared on each one of them and they were filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in the tongues of other languages. *** The people heard the sound of the wind and came to see where it was coming from. They heard the disciples speaking in their own languages . They were amazed but some thought they were drunk. *** Peter stood up in the middle of the crowd and began to explain what was happening. He took them to the words of Joel who prophesied that in the last days God would pour out his Spirit upon all people and they would prophesy and dream dreams. God would show signs in the heavens and everyone who called upon his name would be saved. Then he reminded them of the miracles Jesus did and how he was betrayed and crucified. But God raised him back to life. He gave them scripture for this too. *** Now, Jesus has been exalted to God’s right hand and as he promised, this is the gift of the Holy Spirit he said we would receive. Jesus, the one they crucified is both Lord and Messiah. *** Peter’s words pierced their hearts and they asked what they should do. Peter told them to repent of their sins and turn to the Lord. Be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and receive the git of the Holy Spirit. Three thousand believed that day. Two thousand years ago, Moses had stood and given them the law. Three thousand died. The law brings death, but the Spirit brings life eternal. *** The believers began meeting together with signs and miracles following them. They took care of one another and lived as a family. Many were added to them. *** Lord, thank you that we are returning to those days where your Spirit is being poured out again on all flesh. We are seeing the beginning of the great revival we have been promised.

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