Thursday, June 6, 2024

Thurs.’s Devo - The Lord Was On Their Side

Read: 1 Kings 1:1-53; Acts 4:1-37; Psalm 124:1-8; Proverbs 16:24 David was becoming old and no amount of blankets could keep him warm, so they sought a virgin girl to sleep with him to keep him warm. They found Abishag to lay beside him and take care of him. *** About the same time, Adonijah, David’s son born after Absalom, decided to make himself the next king. He recruited fifty men to run in front of his chariot to make him look important. He got Joab and Abiathar the priest on his side, but Zadok the priest; Benaiah, David’s body guard; and Nathan the prophet; Shimei, and Rei, refused to support Adonijah. *** Nathan went to Bathsheba and told her what Adonijah was planning and urged her to go at once to tell David. She went and reminded David that he had promised her Solomon would be his successor. After her, came Nathan confirming what she had said. Adonijah along withAbiathar, and Joab were at his own celebration where he was proclaiming himself king. If David didn’t do something right then, Nathan and Solomon would be wanted men. *** David ordered Zadok to take Solomon and David’s officials down to Gibson Spring. Solomon was to ride on David’s donkey and they were to anoint him king and blow the ram’s horn and shout “Long live King Solomon!” Then they were to escort him back and sit him on David’s throne. *** They did just as David had commanded and when the guests of Adonijah heard the shouting, they investigated and found out what had happened. Everyone at the party scattered and Adonijah ran to the Temple and took hold of the horns of the altar for mercy. *** Solomon had him taken down and brought to him. He told him if he proved himself loyal, he could live. He let him go home. *** In Acts, the priests and the captain of the Temple guard and some of the Sadducees were very disturbed to hear Peter and John teaching about the resurrection of the dead through Jesus. They arrested Peter and John and put them in prison until the morning. Many of the people who did believe what they preached was about 5,000. *** The next day the council met in Jerusalem. All the rulers and elders and teachers of the law were present as well as Caiphas, the high priest John, Alexander and other relatives of the high priest (all illegitimate leaders). These were Israel’s “Deep State” of their time. *** They brought out Peter and John and asked them by what power had they done this (healed the crippled man). Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit told them it was by the power of the name of Jesus Christ the man they had crucified, but God raised from the dead. He referred to the Scripture that said, “The stone the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone.” *** Peter went on to say that salvation is in no other name but Jesus. The members at the council were amazed at Peter’s boldness and confidence. They couldn’t deny the miracle because the man who was crippled was standing before them healed. They had Peter and John removed from the chamber so they could talk. *** They could’t deny his testimony so they called them back in and told them to never again speak in the name of Jesus. *** Peter looked at them and said, Do you think God wants us to obey you or him? There was no way they were going to stop teaching and preaching about Jesus. The council threatened them, but then let them go. *** When Peter and John reunited with the other believers and told them what they had said, they thanked the Lord together. They realized that this is what Psalm 118 had said would happen - the kings of the earth were against the Lord and his Messiah. *** Instead of being discouraged, the disciples were encouraged to continue to heal and do miracles in Jesus’ name. The believers because more strong and more united. They cared for each other and shared their blessings so everyone had what they needed. Barnabas, one of the apostles, sold a piece of land and brought the proceeds and gave it to the apostles. *** And this is what happens when the Lord is on our side like our Psalm says. Lord, thank you that you are on our side. You are going to put the legitimate leader in the office of President and you are going to pour out your Spirit on your servants. We are going to heal, preach, teach and do miracles in your name.

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