Thursday, June 27, 2024

Thurs.’s Devo - The Crowning of God’s King

Read: 2 Kings 10:32-12:21; Acts 18:1-22; Psalm 145:1-21; Proverbs 18:1 God began to cut the size of Israel down according to the words of the prophets, because Israel had become so idolatrous. King Hazael of Aram conquered sections of land east of the Jordan River. *** When Jehu died he had reigned 28 years. He was buried in Samaria and his son, Jehoahaz became the next king. In Judah, when King Ahaziah died, his mother Athaliah began to destroy the rest of the royal family. Ahaziah’s sister, Jehosheba took Ahaziah’s infant son, Joash, and hid him in the Temple of the Lord for six years while Athalia ruled the land. When Joash was seven, the priest, Jehoiada, called all the commanders of the army, the Carite mercenaries, and the palace guards to come to the Temple of the Lord. He made them swear to be loyal to them, then showed them Joash. *** Jehoida told them his plan and they were supplied with weapons and stood around the Temple. Jehoiada brought out Joash, placed the crown on his head, and presented him with a copy of God’s laws. They anointed him and proclaimed him king while everyone clapped and shouted, “Long live the king!” *** Athaliah heard the noice and ran to the Temple to see what was happening. She saw what was going on and tore her close crying, “treason!” *** Jehoiada ordered the commanders to take her to the soldiers and to kill anyone who tried to help her. She was killed by the gate to the palace. *** Jehoiada led the people and the king to covenant with God that they would be his people. They went over to the temple of Baal and tore it down and killed all its priests. *** They then escorted Joash to the palace and sat him on the royal throne. All the people of the land rejoiced and that Athaliah had been killed. *** Joash ruled Judah 40 years and did what was right as long as Jehoiada was alive. He had the priests collect money to have the Temple repaired. *** King Hazael of Aram attacked Jerusalem and Joash collected all the sacred objects that the previous kings of Judah had stored away and gave them to King Hazael to make him call off his attack on Jerusalem. *** Joash’s own trusted advisers assassinated him at Beth-millo. His son, Amaziah became king. *** In Acts, Paul left Athens and went to Corinth. He met the Jewish couple, Aquila and Priscilla who had been deported from Rome. Paul worked with them as tentmakers. *** Paul went to the Temple every Sabbath and taught that Jesus was the Messiah. Silas and Timothy joined him. Paul’s message was not received so he shook the dust off his clothes and told them he was going to preach to the Gentiles. Many Gentiles in the city became believers. God spoke to Paul in a vision and told him not to be afraid to speak out because many in the city were believers. Paul ended up staying there a year and a half. *** When Gallio became governor, some of the Jews brought Paul to him for judgment saying that Paul was convincing people to believe something contrary to their law. *** Gallio refused to judge it since it had to do with Jewish law. He told them to take care of it themselves and threw them out of his court. *** The crowd took Sosthenes, the leader of the synagogue and beat him right there in the courtroom. They were on Paul’s side. Paul stayed there for a while before he set sail for Syria. He took Priscilla and Aquila with him. They went to Ephesus, Casarea, Jerusalem and then back to Antioch, preaching and teaching. *** Lord, thank you for being our faithful Shepherd and almighty God. With you nothing is impossible. Your Kingdom always wins.

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