Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sun.’s Devo - God’s Supply

Read: 1 Kings 15:25-17:24; Acts 10:24-48; Psalm 134:1-3; Proverbs 17:9-11 When Jeroboam died, his son, Nadab ruled and he continued in the sins of his father. Baasha from the tribe of Issachar assassinated him while they were besieging the Philistine town of Gibbethon and became the king. He slaughtered all the royal family just as the prophet Ahihah had said would happen to Jeroboam’s descendants. *** There was constant war between king Asa of Judah and King Baasha of Israel. Baasha ruled from the town of Tirza and continued in the sins of Jeroboam. The prophet Jehu brought King Baasha a word from the Lord rebuking him for following the ways of Jeroboam who he had cursed. The curse of Jeroboam would fall on him and his family. When Baasha died, his son Elah became king. He was assassinated by the commmander of his chariots, Zimri. Zimri had all of Baasha’s family killed just as Jehu prophesied. ***Zimri’s rule only lasted 7 days because when the army found out Zimri had killed the king, they chose Omri, their commander to be king. Omri led the entire army of Israel to attack Tirzah where Zimri was ruling. When Zimri realized he was doomed, he fled to the citadel of the palace and burning it down with himself inside. *** Israel was divided. Half of the people wanted to make Tibni their king and the other half wanted to make Omri their king. Omri’s side defeated Tibia’s and Omri became king. He ruled 12 years and bought the hill of Samaria and built a city on it. He was more evil than Jeroboam and led Israel to worship worthless idols. *** When Omri died, his son, Ahab became king. He reigned in Samaria 22 years and was the most evil king Israel had had up till then. He married Jezebel who worshiped Baal. Ahab built a temple for Baal and set up an Asherah pole and provoked God’s anger. *** During this time Hiel, a man from Bethel, rebuilt Jericho. He lost his oldest son when the foundations were laid and his youngest son when the gates were set up just as Joshua had said would happen. *** Elijah told King Ahab that there would be no dew or rain until he gave the word. Then God told Elijah to hide at the Kerith Brook and it would supply his water. The ravens would bring him bread and meat every morning and evening. *** When the brook dried up, God told Elijah to go to the village of Zarephath and a widow would feed him. When he met her, she said she had enough flour and oil to make one last meal for her and her son and then they would die. Elijah told her to first make some for him and then the rest for them and they would never run out of flour or oil until the drought was over. She did what he said and God did what he said he would do. *** Elijah stayed with her and her son. One day the son became very sick and died. She bought the son to Elijah and he took the child’s body up the stairs to the room where he was staying. He laid his body on his own bed then cried out to the Lord for his life. He stretched his body over the child three times and prayed. God heard his prayer and the body came back to life. *** In Acts, Peter and Cornelius met and exchanged stories. Peter told Cornelius what he knew about Jesus and what the scriptures said about him. He told them about his resurrection and how he had appeared to them after he died on the cross. Jesus had ordered them to preach everywhere and testify that Jesus was the one God had sent and that all the prophets had talked about. *** As Peter preached to Cornelius and his household, the Holy Spirit fell upon them and they began to speak in tongues. Peter was amazed that the gift of the Holy Spirit was being poured out on the Gentiles, too. He baptized them in the name of Jesus Christ and stayed with them for several days. *** Lord, may we learn from today’s scripture that we give first to You and your servants and then you supply all our needs. May we be willing to give of what we have to those in need.

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