Friday, June 7, 2024

Fri.’s Devo - Justice for All

Read: 1 Kings 2:1-3:2; Acts 5:1-42; Psalm 125:1-5; Proverbs 16:25 The transition of David’s kingdom to Solomon’s kingdom is a picture of the transition from Trump’s first term compared to his second one to come. In his first four years, President Trump was bombarded with battle after battle with the Deep State with Covid, impeachments, threats, and now indictments…the list goes on and on. It was like David’s term of war after war. But Solomon’s term was about justice and tying up all the loose ends and getting rid of all the bad players. Then the nation was able to enjoy peace and prosperity like Israel had never seen. Trump’s next term will be about judging all the evil and bringing justice. It will be a time of the greatest prosperity America and the world have seen yet. *** David gave Solomon three assignments. He was to deal with Joab who killed Abner and Amasa who were innocent. He claimed it was an act of war but it was really an act of personal revenge. The second assignment was to reward Barzillai for feeding his men when he ran from Absalom. He rewarded him with always having a place to eat at his table. *** The third assignment had to do with Shimei, the man who had cursed him when he crossed the Jordan. Solomon called him in and told him he must live in Jerusalem and if he ever left the city, he would die. Shimei told him it was a fair decision but three years later two of his slaves escaped. He left to find them and when he returned, Solomon had him killed. *** David hadn’t mentioned what to do with Adonijah who had tried to take the kingdom. But God had a plan. Adonijah came to Bathsheba and asked her to ask Solomon if he could marry Abishag, David’s nurse. When Bathsheba asked Solomon he saw right through the request. He had Adonijah killed. *** When Joab heard that Adonijah had been killed, he knew he was next, so he went and took hold of the horns of the altar. Solomon had him killed right there. *** Now Solomon’s kingdom was established. Solomon made an alliance with Egypt and sealed it in marriage to the Pharoah’s daughter. He began his great building projects. *** In Acts, Ananias and his wife sold a piece of property and Ananias brought half of their proceeds to the apostles like Barnabas had, but claimed it was the whole amount. It was his to do as they wanted, but since he tried to lie to the Holy Spirit, he was killed and his body buried immediately. *** About three hours later, his wife, Sapphire came to the apostles. They asked her if the price her husband had given was the amount they sold their property for and she agreed. They told her what had happened to her husband who told the same lie and she immediately fell to the floor dead. The fear of the Lord fell on the entire church. *** The believers were meeting regularly at the Temple in the area called Solomon’s Colonnade. There they did many miracles and were greatly respected by the people. More and more were brought to the Lord through them. People from miles around brought their sick and laid them in the streets in hope that Peter’s shadow would fall across them and heal them. *** The high priest and his group were very jealous of their popularity and had the apostles arrested and put in jail. But an angel of the Lord came at night and opened the gates of the jail and bought them out. He sent them to the Temple and told them to continue preaching. When the high priest sent for the apostles to be brought from prison and appear before them for their trial, they were not there. They got news that they were preaching at the Temple. *** They went and arrested them again and brought them before the high priest. They asked the apostles why they were preaching when they told them not to. Peter told then that they had to obey God above them. They had crucified Jesus, but God had raised him up to the place of honor at his right hand. He did this so they would repent of their sins and turn to God. When they heard this, the high council was furious and wanted to kill them. *** One of the Pharisee’s, Gamaliel, stood up and ordered that the apostles be sent out of the chamber. He then addressed the men and reminded them of another rebellion that eventually died out. If they killed the apostles, it would just stir it up the movement and it would become stronger, but if they gave it time, it would die out on its own. But, if the movement was from God, there was nothing they would be able to do to stop it. *** They called the apostles in and had them flogged then set them free. They left rejoicing that they had been counted worthy to suffer for Christ. They continued to preach in the Temple and in houses every day. The theme of their message was “Jesus is the Messiah.” *** That is still your message, Jesus. May we boldly proclaim your majesty and who you are. May we never be ashamed or lose hope. You are king over all.

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