Monday, June 10, 2024

Mon.’s Devo - Solomon’s Palaces

Read: 1 Kings 7:1-51; Acts 7:30-50; Psalm 128:1-6; Proverbs 16:31-33 It had taken Solomon 7 years to build the Temple and now 13 years to build his own palace. His palace included many buildings: the Palace of the Forest of Lebanon, the Hall of Pillars, and the Hall of Justice where his throne sat. The descriptions of the different buildings is amazing and all reflected God’s heavenly home. He also make the pieces of furniture for the Temple like the Sea which was a huge basin filled with water for the priests who did the sacrifices. It was placed on the base of twelve bronze oxen all facing out. Three faced north, three - south, three - east, and three - west. There were also 10 carts that held smaller basins for washing. Five of the carts were placed at the south side of the Temple and five on the north side. *** All the metal work was done by Huram from Tyre who was half Israelite because his mother was from the tribe of Naphtali. *** When it was all completed, Solomon brought all the gifts that David had dedicated to the Lord and put it in the treasury of the Temple. *** In Acts, Stephen continued his history lesson. He told of how God called to Moses out of the burning bush and told him to go back to Egypt and rescue the people who had rejected him in the past. Through many signs wonders and plagues, God led them out of Egypt into the wilderness for 40 years. *** Moses told them of a Prophet like him that would come from their own people. The people refused to listen to Moses and rejected him again. They wanted to return to Egypt. They had Aaron make a golden calf for them to worship. They turned away from God. God abandoned them to serve the stars of heaven as their gods. They carried their gods of Molech, Rohan and others with them all through the wilderness as well as the Tabernacle of the Lord. *** God drove out the enemies in the land he had promised them. They took the Tabernacle with them and stayed in the land until the time of King David. David had great favor with God and He allowed David’s son, Solomon to build him a Temple on earth. However, God doesn’t live in temples made by human hands. Heaven is his throne and earth is his footstool (Isa. 66:1-2).

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