Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sun.’s Devo David’s Return to his Kingdom; Jesus Return to his Disciples

Read: 2 Samuel 19:11-20:13; John 21:1-25; Psalm 120:1-7; Proverbs 16:16-17 David sent Zadok and Abiathar, the priests to confront the leaders of Israel. They asked him why they were the last ones to welcome back the king. They told Amasa that if he came with David, David would appoint him as commander of his army. Amasa then convinced the men of Judah to follow David. *** Now, David knew it was safe to come back home and began the journey back to Jerusalem. When he and his men came to the Jordan River, he was met by all the players who he had met when he left. *** Shimei, the one who had cursed him and thrown stones at him came humbly to ask for forgiveness (but mainly to save his life.) David spared him. *** Mephibosheth came saying Ziba had deceived him and wouldn’t saddle his donkey for him to follow David (he was crippled). David spared him but told him he was dividing his land equally between him and Ziba. Mephibosheth was fine with that. He would continue to eat at David’s table. *** Barzillai who had met David and his men with food the first time met him again to welcome him back to his kingdom. David tried to get him to come with him so he could take care of him since he was an old man but Barzillai wanted to live his last days in his own hometown. He gave David his son, Kimham to care for. David took him with him and promised to help him in anyway Barzillai wanted. *** David was met by the men of Israel who complained that they weren’t invited to help the king cross the Jordan and felt slighted. They argued with the men of Judah until Sheba stood up and blew a ram’s horn and shouted, “Down with the dynasty of David” and called the people back to their homes. They deserted David to follow Sheba. *** When David got to the palace he put his concubines in a secluded house and they were treated like widows. He told Amasa to mobilize his army and report back in three days. He didn’t make it back in that time. *** David sent Abishai and Joab with his troops to chase after Sheba to stop him before he could start a rebellion. They ran into Amasa and Joab killed him. Joab called Amasa’s men to join him in chasing Sheba. *** In John, Jesus appeared to his disciples again when they had gone fishing. The disciples were in the boat and hadn’t caught a thing. Jesus called out from the shore and told them to throw out their net on the right-hand side of the boat and they would catch some. They did and caught so many fish, they struggled to haul them all in. This was the exact miracle Jesus had done the first time he met them. *** John caught on and told Peter, it was the Lord. Peter jumped into the water and headed for shore. The rest brought the boat in. Jesus was waiting for them with breakfast cooking on the fire and some bread. *** After breakfast, Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved him. Peter answered him affirmatively all three times. Jesus gave him a directive to feed his lambs, take care of his sheep and feed his sheep. He ended with “Follow me.” *** Lord, may we feed and take care of your lambs and your sheep. May we follow you in all we do.

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