Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Tues.’s Devo - Godly Living

Read: Hebrews 13; 1 Peter 1-2:3
Hebrews ends with some good advice for godly living. Love is the key. If we love then we will welcome strangers into our houses, we will remember those being persecuted, we will love and honor our mates and we won’t covet what God has blessed others with.
Since Jesus became our final sacrifice, we don’t have to offer up animals. Our sacrifice is to praise God continually, giving thanks to him for all he has done for us. If we would walk in these two things, just think of the joy and peace we would live in. To choose to love and to choose to praise God and be thankful would do away with a lot of things like depression, fear, ungratefulness, envy and strife. What God wants from us is for our good. He wants to prosper us and give us abundant life.
That sounds so simple, but the truth is that in this life we have trials and tribulations. It is not always easy to love people who take advantage of us or who are rude. It is not always easy to praise the Lord when you are in pain or facing financial struggles and family ordeals. Peter reminds us that the trial of our faith is more precious than gold. It will be tried in the fire but it is precious to the Lord. He rewards us according to the way we come through our trials.
Our salvation is such a wonderful gift that the prophets tried hard to understand as they prophesied about it. We are now living in this wonderful salvation. That is worth praising God for! We show our gratitude by living godly lives. We go through the fire so that we will come out holy and clean. Peter said to be holy in all manner of conversation. That is something worth praying for. It is so easy to let our mouths say whatever comes to our mind but we need to filter our thoughts through the mind of Christ.
Lord, we choose to filter our lives through the precious blood of Jesus. It is your word that endures forever, let us say your words.

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