Thursday, December 29, 2016

Thurs.’s Devo - The Thunders, the Rapture and the Harvest

Read: Revelation 9-14
After the terrible trumpets sound, the thunders utter their voices. They are so terrible, God doesn’t even let John write down what he saw. We are told that when the seventh angel begins to make her sound, the mystery of God should be finished. He was then told to eat the book which would be sweet to his mouth but better to his belly. Prophecy is like that when we are dealing with the end and judgment. It is sweet and bitter all at the same time.
In Revelation 11, we take a drastic turn to closely observe the temple of God in heaven. John is told to measure it with a reed which was used as a pen, yet it was like a rod which was used by a king as a sceptre. God’s word is just like that. It is something written and when we speak it it has authority to happen.
He was told not to measure the court because that stood for the earth and people were still entering the gate of salvation. Two prophets stood as olive trees and candlesticks before the God of the earth. These were prophets still on earth that were given the supernatural powers of Moses and Elijah. They would be killed in Jerusalem at Golgatha and rise from the death in three and a half days. How sad that Jerusalem had spiritually been reduced to being compared to Sodom and Egypt. When they rose there was an earthquake like when Jesus died.
The seventh angel sounds his trumpet again and he says, “the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.” It was now time for judgment. The temple of God was opened in heaven. (I think that this has to do with the Rapture). It goes right into the story about the woman - the Church of Jesus Christ. She is hid by God while Michael and his angels fight the dragon and his angels. He is thrown back down to earth. There he wages war on those that weren’t taken to heaven when God opened up heaven. These will be new believers who come to Christ when the Rapture occurs. This is strictly my opinion… subject to change. LOL!
Revelation 13 is about the evil powers that will rise in the earth during the Tribulation, the mark of the beast, the 144,000 Jews that will be saved during this time and the final reaping of the harvest.
Lord, your plans are always perfect and just and true! Praise be to your holy name!

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