Sunday, December 18, 2016

Sun.’s Devo - Christ our High Priest

Read: Hebrews 8-10
Today we read about the High Priest and his duties. He is the only one who could enter into the Holy Place and he did this on the Day of Atonement. On this day he atoned for the sins of the whole nation for that year. It didn’t take away their guilt but only made them conscious of their sin. Jesus came with a new covenant based on obedience and love for God. Because Jesus loved his Father and loved the world, he became the sacrifice. God called him to be the new High Priest so he had to enter into the Holy of Holies with blood to sprinkle on the furniture in the Temple in heaven. God made it clear that he did not want the blood of animals any more so Jesus brought his own blood into the Holy of Holies in heaven and sprinkled the mercy seat. When he died the six inch thick veil that hung between the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies was rent from top to bottom. It was an invitation that now, all may enter in to God’s presence because of the blood of Jesus. God sealed the covenant with the Holy Spirit. God said that the new covenant would be one of the heart and the mind, not ritual. It would not be done by the priest but by the individual.
The next time Christ appears he will be sinless and bring salvation. While we are waiting to be rescued, we are admonished to motivate each other to acts of love and good works. We need to meet together often to strengthen one another, especially the closer it comes to his returning. It is obvious that things are getting worse in the world. People are homeless because of fires, floods and the economy. Evil is all around us and lawlessness is everywhere. But, don’t be dispaired, God works his greatest work in times like these.
Last night I had a dream about the youth revival that is coming. These youth are going to be respectful and full of integrity. They are going to defy what people think of youth. They will have wisdom beyond their age because God is going to equip them to be spiritual leaders to their generation. Things are flipping and the devil is in a tizzy. We can rest in God’s unfailing love and his well-thought-out plan.
Lord, you have written this day in your book and you are not dismayed or discouraged. You are excited and glad and we join in your excitement and expectation.

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