Thursday, June 23, 2016

Thurs.’s Devo - HOPE!

Read: Isaiah 8-11
There is a basic understanding in understanding the Bible and it is found in 1 Co. 15:46. It says that what was first was not spiritual but natural and afterward that which is spiritual. Today we see that principle. Isaiah prophesied in yesterday’s reading about a son being born named Immanuel, meaning “God with us.” We know that to be Jesus. But, at the time, in the natural it was also referring to a son Isaiah’s wife would have. They named him Maher-shalal-hash-baz which means “swift to plunder and quick to carry away”. When this child would be an infant, God would send a flood that would plunder the lands of Assyria, Israel, and Judah. So this child would be the fulfillment of God’s judgment on the earth, but to the children who trusted in God, this child would be Immanuel, God with them. Jesus is a curse to those who reject him but a blessing of life to those who embrace him.
Isaiah goes on to prophecy that one day the land of Galilee, (the land of Jesus’ ministry) and around the Jordan River will be filled with glory. The people who walk in darkness will see a great light; this light being Jesus, the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
We often quote the verse that says that we are the head and not the tail and today we see that the head is the leaders of Israel and the tail is the lying prophets. So, we are leaders in Israel, not lying prophets!
God raised up Assyria to bring judgment on his people. Assyria didn’t understand he was being God’s tool to bring his people to repentance. Satan is just a tool in God’s hand. God uses him to bring His people to repentance. When God was through with Assyria, he sent a plague to punish them for their pride. Then he was going to send a fire to destroy them. In the end, God will throw the devil into the lake of fire to judge him for all he has done against God and his people.
Isaiah 10:20 talks about a remnant that will return to Israel. God always has a remnant that is forever his. To this remnant, Isaiah tells them to not be afraid of the enemy because the Lord of Heavens’ Armies will rise up on their behalf and set them free. This remnant will be a new branch bearing fruit from the old root. This new Branch will have the Spirit of the Lord on him and the spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, might , knowledge and the fear of the Lord. He will delight in obeying the Lord and bring justice. Isaiah 11 is a chapter filled with hope. We know that this Branch is Jesus, but we are his planting so we should bear the same fruit.
Lord, may we be filled with Your Spirit to go out and shine Your light on the world today.

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