Thursday, June 9, 2016

Thurs.’s Devo - End Well

Read: 1 Kings 15:16- chapter 16; 1 Kings 15:23-24; 2 Chron. 16:11-14- end of 17; 1 Kings 17:1-7
It always amazes me how we can call on the Lord to help us one time and not the other. God had defeated the Ethiopians when Asa asked him for help and now Asa takes the gold from the temple to pay an enemy to help him defeat Israel. It would have been so less costly to ask God to help.
God sent a prophet named Hanani to Asa to show him his error. and just how much it would cost him. Hanani means “my grace” even though he was called to give Asa a hard word. It was meant to turn Asa’s heart. If he would have repented, God would have repented his sentence of continual war. Instead of accepting God’s grace, Asa threw Hanani in prison and put him in stocks.
Notice what happens to Asa when he refuses God’s grace, he becomes mean and cruel. That is what happens to a person who refuses to repent.
Hanani’s son was sent to the king of Israel, Baasha to rebuke him. He didn’t repent either so his family and friends were wiped out by Zimri who killed Baasha and reigned 7 days. He died in a fiery suicide. (What a picture of judgment!)
This split the nation of Israel between Omri and Tibni. Tibni was killed by Omri’s supporters so Omri reigned in Israel and was an evil king. He died and gave us his son Ahab as a king. Ahab is synonymous with evil and to make things worse, he married Jezebel who introduced the nation to Baal and Ashtoreh worship on a scale it had never reached.
Back in Judah, Asa was old and had disease in his foot which spiritually speaking it means his pure walk became contaminated. He had started out walking with the Lord but had turned. What a sad ending. His son, Jehoshaphat became king and he must have learned by watching his dad that following God was better. He chose to follow God. He sent teachers and priests throughout Judah to teach them the Word of the Lord. What a great start!
Lord, help us to end well. Let us not get sidetracked with the trappings of everyday life and disappointments. Let us stay true to you.

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