Saturday, June 11, 2016

Sat.’s Devo - Payday Some Day

Read: 1 Kings 20:23-22:9; 2 Chron. 18:1-8
Yesterday, we ended with a battle between the king of Aram and King Ahab. God sent Ahab a prophet that told him He was going to hand them over to him by using the troops of the provincial commanders. They won, but the prophet told Ahab to be ready in the spring for another attack.
Today’s reading starts at the spring and they are coming back just as was prophesied. Israel was ready but Ahab foolishly made a covenant with Benhadad and let him go.
God sent him a prophet to show him the error of letting Benhadad go. He was to totally annihilate him, and not spare him because he looked repentant. This would cost Ahab his family and his kingdom.
Ahab went home depressed but it didn’t take him long to get back to life as usual. He wanted to start a vegetable garden and Naboth’s vineyard was the ideal spot for him. He went and tried to buy him out but Naboth refused because it was his inheritance for his heritage. When Naboth pouted, his wife, Jezebel was furious. She went and deceitfully had Naboth killed so Ahab could have his garden.
As Ahab was going to claim Naboth’s land for himself, God sent him a prophet to tell him that because he did this, he would die the same place Naboth died and Jezebel would die on the land of the vineyard. Dogs would lick their blood which is the fate of a cursed person. Once again, Ahab was depressed so much that he wore sackcloth and ropes even to bed. It got God’s attention so God prolonged his sentence and put it on his sons.
We end with a meeting between Jehoshaphat and Ahab, kings of Judah and Israel. They are planning a truce to fight together against the king of Aram. First, Jehoshaphat wants to ask the prophets. Ahab brings in his false prophets who all agree they will win. Jehoshaphat asks if there are any prophets of God in which Ahab reluctantly calls for Micaiah. Tomorrow we will learn his prophecy.
Ahab was the most immature, spoiled brat king Israel had seen. I think he was mentally ill. His wife was a controller that was right up there with Satan himself. Google a Jezebel spirit and you will be enlightened. Trouble is, we can see our old nature in both of them at times. Thank God for the cross!
Lord, help us to learn from the mistakes of the kings and their wives. Help us to submit to You and to others you have put over us.

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