Sunday, June 26, 2016

Sun.’s Devo - Restoration

Read: Hosea 9-14
Israel’s sin was severe so her punishment would also be severe. God had sent them prophets or watchmen to warn them to turn from their sinful ways, but they imprisoned and abused these men of God. Now God was going to treat them like they treated the prophets. The greatest promise God had given them was his presence. Now he was taking that away. Hosea said that it will be a terrible day when God turns and leaves them alone. (9:12)
God said that their wickedness began at Gilgal. (9:15) This was the first place Joshua came to when he passed into the promised land. Here he read he people the law and each tribe brought a rock and placed it to remember the covenant they made to worship only the Lord. It later became one of the centers of idolatry.
Later, Hosea says, “ever since Gibeah there has been sin and more sin!” When Joshua went into the promised land, God told him to utterly destroy all the inhabitants of the land. The people of Gibeah deceived Joshua into making a covenant with them. Joshua used his common sense instead of asking the Lord, so it cost him greatly. Just a simple act of stepping out and making a decision on his own made God say that it was then that he began to hate them. Those are strong words but to whom much is given, much is required. Joshua had seen God do such miraculous things and he had learned that God always has the answer. Gibeah was also the place where Samuel proclaimed Saul king. God never intended Israel to have a mortal king. He was to be their king. Saul ended up being the king God warned them he would be. He led the nation further into idolatry.
But…God always redeems. Gibeah was the place where Solomon built the Temple.
God said that one day he would roar like a lion (Hosea 11:10) and then his people would return trembling from the west. I believe we are seeing the beginning of this in our day. I love reading Hosea 14:4-9 of the Lord’s gentle love and healing. He always ends with an encouraging word.
Lord, may we walk in your paths. Increase our understanding and discernment.

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