Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wed.’s Devo - Day One

Read Gen. 1:2-5…again

I want to backtrack a little so I want to talk about the first day again and add a few things. In verse 2 it says that the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Moved in the Hebrew means to flutter, move, shake or brood. Scientists who have studied creation say that when God - the power of powers shook it created a magnetic field around the earth. It was like a canopy that kept the atmosphere in. Because it was sealed the atmosphere inside was very high. This would allow man to live for long periods of time and do amazing things. He could use 100% of his brain making it possible to name all the animals in one day. He could outrun horses like Elijah did when he prophesied the rain was coming. (1 Kings 18) This canopy was punctured in the flood because the water spewed up from the earth and came down from heaven. When this happened the air became thinner and man’s lifespan got shorter and shorter. He became unable to access most of his brain power and he could do less physically. Sin is a very debilitating thing.

Another thing I want to bring out is that Day One was the beginning of everything we now know so the number one means beginning. Also, what God created one the first 6 days is the thing that he destroyed during the plauges of Israel. In the beginning God moved over the waters and brought forth light. In the first plague, God moved over the waters and brought forth blood which stood for death. In the New Testament Jesus turned the water into wine and brought forth joy. Jesus ultimately gave us his blood which stood for life from death. God always brings us full circle back to Him and his goodness.

Lord, your wisdom is beyond our finding out but thank you for a glimpse into your greatness. We praise you for your ultimate plan.

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