Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tues.’s Devo - Adam’s Curse

Read Gen. 3:17-21

Yesterday we watched as the serpent and the woman got their punishment and today we will see God pass out judgment to Adam and the land. Four things were cursed in the garden and we need to redeem 3 of them. Adam got disciplined for listening to his wife over what God had told him. As a wife, that is a heavy reminder. Because he ate the fruit the ground, it was cursed also. Before the land produced plants in abundance and all Adam did was to watch over it. Now, Adam was going to have to work the land and fight the weeds and thorns. He was to eat the grass of the field and through much toil he was to grow grain and produce bread. It makes me wonder if before this they ate the same manna that the Israelites ate that just came down from heaven. Notice that Adam was not told to eat meat till after the flood. Man came from the ground and his food would come from there also. Then he would die and be buried in the ground and the circle would be complete.

The Bible doesn’t tell us the reaction of Adam, Eve, or the serpent, to God’s rebuke but the next thing recorded is Eve’s new name. Before Adam called her Woman. Now he calls her Eve which means “life giver”. She is the life of all living which means that all mankind came from her. Then God covered their nakedness with the skins of animals which means he had to kill the animals. This was the first sacrifice to atone for sin. Through it, he taught Adam and Eve how to cover sin. The sacrifices of the Old Testament did just that - they covered the sin. The blood of Jesus is the only sacrifice that can take away our sin and our guilt.

Lord, thank you that the blood of Jesus takes away our sin and our guilt and allows us to live a fruitful life.

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