Monday, February 20, 2012

Mon.’s Devo - Facing God

Read Gen. 3:8-16

Adam and Eve are wearing fig leaves when God shows up to take Adam for his daily stroll through the garden. Adam and Eve are wrapped in guilt and sin so they hide from all-seeing, all-knowing God. God calls to Adam to come out and Adam explains to God that he is naked and afraid to approach God. How things have changed. That pure, sweet, fellowship was severed by one act. God immediately wants to know who was responsible for telling them they were naked and he wants to know if they had eaten from the tree. God knows the answer, but wants to know Adam’s heart. Adam blames Eve, Eve blames the serpent, and the serpent doesn’t get an opportunity to blame anyone. God starts handing out punishment. The serpent is thrown to the ground to slither on his belly the rest of his life and eat dust. Man came from dust and the devil has been devouring people ever since. He puts hatred between the snake and the woman and his seed (demons) and her seed (humans). But one day satan might bruise man’s heel, but man will bruise his head. Bruise means to overwhelm or break. Jesus did this on the cross. His heels were literally bruised from pushing up to gasp for breath but in his death, sin was broken and satan was defeated! He also curses woman with pain in childbirth and she is made subservient to man. Thanks, Eve! Eve stands for the Church. We birth new Christians into the kingdom through prayer and intercession and obeying God’s voice. We are made to be a servant of Jesus, our husband. None of this is a curse but a blessing because Jesus turned the curse into a blessing.

Lord, may we birth many souls into your kingdom.

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