Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thur’s. Devo- The Seventh Day

Read Gen. 2:1-3

Yesterday we read how we were given authority over the spiritual and natural realm. Our job is to subdue the evil and take it over for the name of the Lord. When this is done we can enter into the 7th day. When God finished his work he rested, blessed all his work and sanctified the day. The meaning of the number 7 is complete. God completed his job and it was totally complete in nature… nothing missing- all man would ever need.

Second Peter 3:8 says, “But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” So, if one day can represent a thousand years then the first day of creation should characterize the first thousand years. I studied this out one day and found it to be true. One means beginning, so the first thousand years were the beginning of all things. Man became the first hunter, the first builder, the first artist, etc. It was a millennium of beginnings. It was the beginning of sin.

Two means divide and in the second thousand years God divided the Red Sea and made a division between Egypt which stood for Satan’s realm and God’s people. He took them over the Red Sea (the blood of Jesus) and revealed himself on Mt. Sinai. He gave them the written law that made a division between light and darkness; righteousness and sin. He gave them the blessings and the curses and told them to choose.

Three means to conform to the seed. In the third millennium God made Abraham the father of his chosen people and chose his seed to populate the earth and spread his ways to the earth.

Four means to rule and in the fourth millennium God brought forth Jesus who would forever rule. He also sent down his Holy Spirit to rule in our hearts so that we would rule with God in the heavenly places.

Five means to minister in God’s grace and in the fifth millennium the church has emerged to do the works of Christ.

Six means man and in the 6th millennium man has grown in knowledge and power, and they have forgotten the God who created them. Sin has matured, but the Bible says that where sin abounds, grace abounds even more. It is during this millennium that the Christians who know their God will take back what the devil has stolen and realize their place in this world. We are to have dominion over the natural and the spiritual and when we get this revelation deep in our beings we will be unstoppable for God.

Lord, put this deep in our spirits and may we walk out the life of Jesus.

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