Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tue.s’ Devo - The Next Generations

Read Gen. 4:19-26

Lamech was the 6th generation from Adam. His name means “why is it like this with me; unto bringing low”. That doesn’t make a lot of sense to me but I know that the number 6 does. On the 6th day God created man and animals so the 6th generation is the age of man. So that is what man was thinking: ‘why am I here, is it only to die and be buried?’ He married two women named Adah and Zillah (from A to Z). They were as opposite as A to Z. Adah’s name means “to ornament” and Zillah’s name means “shadiness; he wasted”. Since after the 6,000th year we will be judged this is a picture of judgment. Some will be elevated to glory and be ornamented with jewels and crowns while others will be thrown into hell because they wasted their lives. He tells his wives that he has hurt men and made enemies, but if God protected Cain when he murdered his brother, then God would protect him. He is being very presumptuous to think God had to do that for him just because he did for Cain.

Adam has great, great, great, great, great grandchildren and now he is having a son. He calls him Seth. His name means “substituted; appointed; set”. He is a substitution for both Cain and Abel. He is a substitute for a righteous Abel because he will live a righteous life. He is a substitute for an evil Cain because he will make right Adam’s blood-line. He is Adam’s 3rd son and we learned that 3 is the number that means “to conform” so this seed will conform to Adam’s seed. Seth has a son and names him Enos which means “mortal man”. This is when men began to call upon God.

Lord, may our posterity be from the seed of righteousness, appointed for the times today.

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