Friday, February 3, 2012

Fri.’s Devo - The Third Day

Read Gen. 1:9-13

God spoke to the waters on the earth and commanded them to gather in one place and made dry land appear. The dry ground he called Earth and the waters he called Seas. On the earth God called forth grass, herbs that have seeds, and trees that yield fruit. I think God is giving us a picture of 3 types of man.

1. Grass is temporary and stands for mans life - short and fading. In 1 Peter 1:23-25 it contrasts grass to the Word of God. Grass is the corruptible seed and the Word is the incorruptible seed. Grass was food for the animals and it represents man at his most basic stage- in sin.

2. Herbs are any green plant and represent blessings of God. They include vegetables and are beneficial for man and beast although there are some herbs that are poison. The herbs represent man growing in his life with the Lord.

3. Trees that bear fruit are the mature Christians who are solidly planted in the Lord and can spread their limbs for others to pick and eat the fruit they have produced. Notice that only herbs and trees have seeds and can reproduce. The grass is temporary and carries no lasting seed to reproduce. It is only food for the animals. In the end, the wicked will be devoured by the beast of the field and the fowl of the air. (Ps. 79:2)

The meaning of the number 3 is conform. The plant will always look like the seed. If you plant seeds of forgiveness you will reap forgiveness. Jesus told us that we will reap what we sow. If we read God’s Word we will become it.

Lord, may we be like the tree in Ps. 1: firmly planted by the waters, bringing forth fruit in its season. May we plant seeds of life today.

1 comment:

Serena said...

Thank YOU Jesus for your Word! The living water that refreshes our hearts!