Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wed.'s Devo -Hidden in Christ

Read Pr. 21:24-31
What a description of the wicked! They are arrogant and short tempered. They know what they want it and want it yesterday. they spend their days wanting what everyone else has but refusing to work for it. Even what they gives is disgusting and idolatrous to God because their motives are evil and selfish. They harden their face toward people and don't understands the ways of God so they have no wisdom or understanding. They may be strong in the world and have money, power, and prestige but they will not be safe. For the righteous, God promises to give us life, a generous heart, joy in our labor, direction for our path, counsel, and safety. We are hidden in Christ Jesus.
Lord, I thank you that we are called by your name and have escaped the curse of death. Our hope is in you alone

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