Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tues.'s Devo - Our Tongues

Read Pr. 21:23
Being able to hold your tongue is the sign of maturity. I haven't reached that yet. If we could just realize that keeping our mouths shut can keep our soul from the attack of the enemy. James says that the tongue is a fire, like lightning and that it is full of injustice and wrong. It can stain your whole body and it can set a course in motion that comes straight from Hell. Or, it can also minister grace to the hearer and bring healing and life. That is why it is so important to daily feed on the Word of God. What ever you plant in your spirit, you will produce the outcome. So we must plant the spirit of God's Word so that we will produce the product of those seeds.
Lord, help us to muzzle our mouths and only speak the things that you say to speak. Guard what we say and may it produce life and seeds of righteousness and joy.

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