Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wed.'s Devo - Divine Interruption

Read Ps. 91 again and again and again till you have it memorized
I want to interrupt this Bible Study to include you in what God is doing. I am a part of a project called Clean Slate at our church. This is a project we do every year where we take families who need a clean slate and we go in and redo their house in a week-end. I love it because decorating is my thing and I get to use my talents to bless someone. Well this year the house we got has mold. The dryer had not been vented properly so it vented into the wall instead of the outside. So for 7 years damp hot air has been pumped into the walls of their house. There is mold on the floor, in the windows and in the bathrooms and their children are experiencing health issues because of it.
Well, the more I thought about the problem the madder and more discouraged I got. One day I was complaining to God and I said, "This is impossible!" The moment I said that I almost started laughing because I remembered God's Word - "With God nothing is impossible." That night I kept waking up to Ps 91 on my mind. I memorized it when my kids were young and use to claim it for our household. The next morning as I was going to the gym God kept saying over and over: "There shall no plague come near my dwelling." I wondered what he was trying to tell me until I remembered that mold is a plague! I read in the Old Testament what God told them to do when a house was full of mildew and you scraped it down, applied the blood of birds and the priest looked at the house and pronounced it clean. Well, we can't get under the sheet rock and scrape it down, but God's angels can. But we can apply the blood of Jesus to the house and pronounce it clean as priests of God. So I shared it with my team leaders. At first they thought I was a little weird which I'm pretty use to. But over time they have come to realize that not only is God our only hope, but he is able to do that. So we prayed as a group about it last night. This week our project manager is going over to the house with a mold specialist to look at the mold. They drill a hole somewhere inconspicuously in the wall and put a little camera in the hole and look at what is in the dry wall. I believe with all my faith that they will find nothing. I wanted to tell you this before it happened so that when it does you will see the miracle and be a part of it. So here is your part. Just believe with us that God is delivering that house from the plague of mold.
Lord, thank you for including us in your miraculous power. May this be a testimony to everyone of how wonderful and great you are. To you be all the glory!!!

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