Friday, April 23, 2010

Fri.'s Devo - Walking After the Flesh 4-23-10

Read 2 Pe. 2:10-14
We are given a picture of what a person looks like that walks after the flesh. First of all, they despise government. In other words, they hate authority or anyone telling them what to do. I once heard a great definition of rebellion: doing your own thing. That is why submitting to God's will is so humbling because we have no say so in the matter. Next, they are presumptuous which means they are daring and bold about their sins. Next, they are selfwilled (arrogant) and aren't afraid to speak bad about their authorities whether it is their boss or the President of the US. If even the angels that are greater in power than them don't speak against authority, who are we to do that? The Bible says that ALL authority is put there by him. These ungodly people are like the animals God made; they don't understand the things of God; they were made for destruction. They love to indulge in sin while they disgrace and find fault with others. They are totally deceived and are driven to adultery and sin. They trap people who have not made up their minds who they are going to serve. They practice evil and even despise children which is why there is so much abortion in our land.
Father, forgive us for speaking evil against the people that you have put in authority over us. Forgive us of all the unborn babies we have murdered in our land. Cleanse our hearts and let us walk upright in an unright society. May we be lights to the darkness.

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