Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tues.'s Devo - Glory in Trials

Read 1 Pet. 4:11-19
God wants to glorify himself through us which is an awesome thought. If we are given the gift of public speaking then what we say should be God's words and if we are ministering to people we are to do it with God's power. We are to glorify God is everything we do. When we do this we are a powerful force on the earth and the devil does not like it. He will send his attacks on us and we should not be surprised. The Bible calls these attacks fiery trials which Strongs defines ignition and calamity as a test. So trials are to ignite something in us that needs to be burnt up. It is also a test of our faith and when we pass it we will be promoted to the next level. It is in our trials that we identify with Christ and we find joy and God is glorified if we suffer for doing well.
God faithfully judges us who are his children first. We want this judgment here on earth so we can repent and not be judged when we die. He judges his house first then moves to the world. Our judgment results in repentance but woe to the world's judgment that will end in condemnation.
Lord, give us a healthy fear of You and help us to see that trials are our friends. They chip off the rough edges in our walk and make our paths more smooth, free of worldly hindrances. Your word is our lamp and your judgments are true and righteous all together.

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