Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wed.'s Devo - Created for Eternity

Read James 1:9-11
I can so relate to James, he jumps around from one thought to the next and then comes back to where he started. These verses are one of his bunny trails so we'll follow it. He exhorts the poor, depressed person to rejoice because God thinks so much more of him than he thinks of himself and one day he will know that. The rich man should rejoice that one day everyone will be on the same level and he will be held responsible with what he did with his wealth. God doesn't measure a man by his accomplishments but by his humility in them. Life all through scripture is compared to grass. It grows into maturity only to be withered by age and its beauty and youth lost. This is so depressing unless you know where it all ends up. We were given our lives as a gift from God but we aren't meant to stay here. This is our test and our chance to change this world but it never ends for us if Jesus is our Saviour. This body wears out, but we are going to get a new body that never wears out.
Thank you Lord for that reminder. You have created us for eternity!

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