Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thurs.'s Devo - Make the Most of your Opportunities

Read Eph. 5:11-18
"Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them." I use to think that this meant not to associate with sinners but that is totally unscriptural. Jesus came to save sinners and was rebuked by the religious for eating with sinners. Our enemy is not flesh and blood humans but spiritual darkness and demons. They are the ones we are not to have fellowship with. We are to rebuke them and their deeds. We are not to even speak of the things they do in darkness. But when we rebuke the things of the devil people and truth is brought to the light and the works of the devil are made apparent for all to see. If we wake up out of our spiritual slumber Jesus will illuminate our eyes to see. Our walk should be exact and purposeful. We are to rescue the opportunities we find ourselves in because life down on this earth is evil. We have a short time to be down here so we should make the most of our visit. If we walk down here with God's purposes in mind then we are wise and we will be doing the will of the one who sent us just as Jesus did.
Hollywood understands that there is a devil and he displays himself on the earth. They glorify his power. Lord, help us as Christians to help them realize there is a God and he displays himself on the earth. Help us to glorify your power. Every day we are given opportunities to spread kindness and light to a very dark world. May we shine bright.

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