Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday's Devo - Where are You Standing?

Yesterday I met with two of the helpers I work with for the jr. high girls we lead. We talked about why the youth in our church are falling when they get to high school. Teenagers these days and in every generation face a huge wall in high school. The wall is the Standard of God and they have to decide which side they are going to fall on. If they fall on the side of Popular Opinion then their life will seem to sail along for a while, but then they will hit pits that get bigger and bigger and eventually turn into an abyss with no way out; but God. They will come out bruised, battered, and burned. God will bandage up their wounds and they will stumble through life seeking deliverence which few know where to find.
If they fall on the side of God, then they will be much better off but the battle will be tough. When they get through it they will be whole, and they will have developed a walk with God that is solid and sweet. They will be healthy and able to help others from a sense of well-being and wholeness.
God is able to redeem anything we go through, so why do we choose righteousness? Why not work up a juice testmony of sin and God saving our day? Don't we want to be able to relate to others who are going through what we went through? I have to look at the life of Jesus. He lived a sinless, spotless, turn-from-sin life and yet he was able to relate to everyone. He was TEMPTED in everything we are tempted in yet without sin. His testimony is the greatest of all. Lord, may this generation fall desperately in love with you and choose your standard. May they stand for righteousness and seek you ALL the days of their lives.
May they be the trees in Ps. 1 that are planted by the river who prosper in all they do.


Unknown said...

That whole "building a juicy testimony" has an appeal to it, but we are supposed to be vessels for God to pour through. Maybe we should consider the sin we allow into our lives as sewage polluting God's fountain. Let's get some imagery going on the side of righteousness, because the enemy uses imagery A LOT.

Ginny's gems said...

Preach it, sister!