Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Wed.’s Devo - Wake up!

Read: Isaiah 51:1-53:12; Ephesians 5:1-33; Psalm 69:19-36; Proverbs 24:7 It is exciting to realize that many of the really good things Isaiah prophesied have happened. A lot of Israel’s desert has blossomed like a rose. God’s law and justice become a light to the nations when Jesus came and proclaimed to be the light of the world. He brought mercy, justice and salvation which continues from generation to generation. *** Isaiah tried to wake the Lord up to fight for them like he did in Moses’ day when he slew Egypt. He sees the day that the ransomed of the Lord will return with singing and joy. *** God responds with a word of comfort. He asks them why they are afraid of mere humans who are here today and gone tomorrow. Have they forgotten who their God is? He tells Israel to wake up. They have lost a generation to desolation and destruction, famine and war. This cup of God’s wrath is over and it is time for it to pass this cup of wrath to their enemies. God tells the remnant to wake up and put on strength instead of despair. *** Israel had chosen to live in bondage in Egypt in their past and now they are in the same place with the Assyrians. God wanted to know why they are enslaved again. They live among people who blaspheme his name all day long. (That is where we are in America. You can hardly watch a program on TV who doesn’t blaspheme God. We have gotten so used to it we don’t even notice.) That is how Israel was, but God was going to show them who he was. *** The prophets would see the good news of the gospel coming and sing for joy. John the Baptist saw it and proclaimed it. Isaiah proclaimed that Jerusalem will sing and the people will rejoice because of the redemption God brings. *** Isaiah tells the people to leave their captivity where everything they touch is unholy. He speaks of the day that they will return with all the holy objects of the Temple and they will not leave in haste but God will go ahead of them and protect them. *** This happened when Cyrus came to rule and proclaimed the Jews could choose to return to Jerusalem and build a Temple to their God. This happened in our day when President Trump became president and had Israel’s embassy moved to Jerusalem. Cyrus gave them all the sacred objects for the Temple that Babylon had stolen. We are about to get back all that Satan has stolen from us. *** Isaiah gave a complete description of Jesus, who would come in his humanity and become the sacrificial lamb for us. He was crushed and totally misunderstood by the people. He came to save, yet he did it without a word of complaint. He had no descendants on earth yet he had millions in his death. He made it possible for us to be counted righteous. He will be rewarded as a victorious soldier! *** Paul admonishes the believers to wake up and let Christ give them light. This light is to expose those in darkness. If we live like they do in their sin then they will not be able to see the light so they can come to it. We are to be the light to the world as Jesus was because he is in us. We live with purpose and joy. We demonstrate God’s love by the way we submit to one another in love and honor. *** Lord, may we wake up in our own lives and be about your business. May we be awake to what you are doing on the earth, in our nation and in our own families. May we see with our eyes the wonderful deliverance you are bringing. We wait for your salvation to come.

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