Sunday, September 3, 2023

Sun.’s Devo - Meaningless!

Read: Ecclesiastes 4:1-6:12; 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:7; Psalm 47:1-9; Proverbs 22:16 Every time I read Ecclesiastes I hear Bob Dylan singing, “Ah, but I might as well try and touch the wind.” *** Today, Solomon ponders the oppressed and concludes that they are better off dead. He ponders a man without a family who works to become rich to have no one to pass it on to. Meaningless! A person who is alone is defenseless against attacks. This goes for the Christian who tries to make it through life without the help of the Body. *** Solomon advises people to speak less and listen more. When you make a promisefx to God, you need to keep it. If you love money you will never have enough and it is only temporary. So he concludes that it is better to enjoy the fruits of your labor and be content in your circumstances. *** It is sad when a father of many dies and has no one honor his life. Everything he worked for means nothing. *** It is better to enjoy what you do have than desiring what you don’t have. God besides our destiny and we would do well to be thankful and accept it and live our lives to the fullest. *** Our lives are like a shadow, who knows what will happen when we are gone. Ah, but we might as well try and catch the wind. *** In Corinthians, Paul tells his people to come out from among the heathen people and be separate. There is a difference between unsaved and evil people. He is talking about the people in the world that are bent on evil and have no remorse for what they do. Separating ourselves from them calls them to account for their lifestyle. If they are just back-slidden sinners or yet-to-be saved, they will see our lifestyle and repent. If they are not of the chosen then they will be glad we are gone and might attack us for our stand. Either way, we will be free from their defilement. *** Lord, may we walk in your wisdom, loving the destiny you have set for us and enjoying You and those you have placed in our lives. Give us discernment to navigate the times we are living in. Thank you for the wonderful promises for our future. You are our hope.

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