Saturday, September 2, 2023

Sat.’s Devo - Ecclesiastes Vs. Proverbs

Read: Ecclesiastes 1:1-3:22; 2 Corinthians 6:1-13; Psalm 46:1-11; Proverbs 22:15 It is important to know that Proverbs and Ecclesiastes were both written by Solomon while he was king. Proverbs was written in the beginning of his reign as king and Ecclesiastes was written in the latter days of his reign. His attitude was much different when he wrote Ecclesiastes. He had become cynical and had lost his fear of God that he thought was so important in Proverbs. Proverbs was the book of Godly wisdom and Ecclesiastes was the book of the wisdom of man. *** In that light we see that Solomon concludes that life is meaningless and the quest to acquire wisdom is like chasing after the wind. He is frustrated that he can’t manage and control everything, where in Proverbs he declares that God controls everything and all he has to do is trust in Him. *** We still find some great truths like the fact that history repeats itself and to try to find meaning in “things” and in yourself is meaningless. Solomon had all the money he could ever want and anything he could ever want was at his command and yet he was not fulfilled. The only fulfillment is in knowing God and living our lives for him. *** Solomon compartmentalized time into seasons for all of life’s changes. The good news about that is that you will not always stay in the same season forever. That can be a great encouragement when you are going through a difficult one. There are always times of refreshing and restoration. Solomon concluded with there is nothing better than enjoying what you do. *** In Corinthians Paul explains what approves a person for service. It is that they have endured many trials and been tested in every way. He reminds me of Solomon’s thoughts on life, only Paul is giving all the things that life throws at us as a way to make us worthy to serve the Lord in ministry. *** Lord, may we look at our trials as tests as a tool to bring us closer to you and more qualified to serve you on the earth. May we seek you with all our hearts.

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