Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Tues.’s Devo - Live in the Fear of the Lord

Read: Ecclesiastes 10:1-12:14; 2 Corinthians 8:1-15; Psalm 49:1-20; Proverbs 22:20-21 Solomon has some great nuggets for us today. He says that you can identify a fool the way they walk down the street! That has become so true in our generation as you see guys with their pants half-way down their rears and women with their head shorn and you don’t even know if they are men or women. *** Solomon talks about the little foxes that get into our lives and cause big problems. He personifies them as flies in perfume and servants surpassing princes. A city is blessed with the rulers are wise and know when to work and when to feast but their goal is not in the feasting but in growing. *** He gives the wisdom of diversifying your portfolio. That can pertain to people also. You don’t put all your time and strength into one person but you reach out to many because you never know the one who will take what you give them and run with it and the one who will not listen. *** He reminds the young person that they will one day have to give an account to God for everything they do. He warns them not to forget their Creator but to honor him in their youth. *** After all of Solomon’s observances, he returns to what he learned in his youth… the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. It will benefit us to obey His commands because we will be judged for everything we do, including every secret thing in our heart. *** In Corinthians Paul gives the account of what is happening in the other churches. They are being tested greatly and are poor by the world’s standards, but are rich in joy which manifests in their great generosity. *** They gave beyond their need in their gifts and in their deeds. The church in Corinth had great speakers, great faith and enthusiasm and Paul encouraged them to be great givers also. Their generosity is a test of what is really inside of them. Jesus was generous to them to the point of giving his life for them. They started out as big givers but had lost their zeal. Paul was trying to stir up that generous spirit in them again. Now that they had much, they should give to those who don’t. The time will come when they might need help from the ones they were giving to now. We are all part of the same family so we help one another. *** Lord, may we be generous today in what you have blessed us with in our wealth and in our time and deeds.

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