Saturday, September 9, 2023

Sat.’s Devo -God’s Promises to His Faithful

Read: Isaiah 3:1-5:30; 2 Corinthians 11:1-15; Psalms 53:1-6; Proverbs 22:28-29 Isaiah sees ahead to the day when everything Israel depended on other than God would be taken from them. They went after other sources of power and it will fail them in the day they need help the most. Boys will become their leaders and spoiled babies will rule them. People will become haters of people and ridicule the wise. *** No one will want to take charge. They will stop trying to hide their sins but display their evil intents openly. (Boy, are we seeing that now!) They are doomed. *** But God had a word for the faithful…all will be well for them. They will enjoy the rich reward they have earned! The wicked who will get what they deserve. *** God will call the evil to his courtroom and declare their verdict. The elders and rulers will be judged for crushing God’s people. The haughty of Zion will be stripped of their wealth and end in poverty. Her men will be killed or exiled. The women will fight for the few men left. *** But those who endure the trial will remain and be a holy people. They will enjoy the fruit of the land. God will lead them like he led Israel through the wilderness, with a cloud by day and fire by night. *** Israel had been God’s vineyard but instead of a crop of justice and righteousness, it had become a place of oppression and violence. *** God condemned those who had bought up great amounts of land evicting those who lived on the land. They will lose that land and the money they would have made from its profits. *** Death and exile will come to humanity because they rejected the law of the Lord but his lambs will find good pastures and fattened sheep and young goats that feed among the ruins. In other words, the righteous will take the spoil when they are gone. *** The evil said that good was evil and evil was good, but they will be judged and be found guilty. Their punishment will be swift and thorough. *** This is our day! This is what we can expect to see happen in this decade. ***Paul deals with the Church at Corinth differently than he does other churches because their problems were different. They remind me of some of the mega churches of our day. They were being bombarded with false teachers wanting the wealth of the people. They had become infiltrated with teachers that taught to be blessed was to give to them. *** Paul had made it a point not to accept their money or receive offerings from them to show them the difference between the true and the false. Our churches have been infiltrated also with false teacher who profit off of their teaching and rob the people to get rich themselves. *** Lord, may we have discernment to know what is good and righteous. Deliver us from evil. Thank you for your wonderful promises. We trust in your Word.

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