Thursday, September 28, 2023

Thurs.’s Devo - God’s Word Will Stand

Read: Isaiah 54:1-57:14; Ephesians 6:1-24; Psalm 70:1-5; Proverbs 24:8 God compares Israel as an unfaithful wife who has returned home. The barren wife is Israel when she went to Babylon as a captive. She could no longer worship the Lord according to his law. She was destitute of spiritual children. She is not bearing children now because she is still displaced with no temple. The Gentile church has more spiritual children than them. The Jews can rejoice that in their future where their seed will inherit the Gentiles. They will be restored to the family of God. They will not always be in shame but God, their Redeemer and husband will gather her and have mercy on her. *** God tells them to plan for expansion because God is going to bless them when the time comes. Jerusalem will be rebuilt and their children will be taught of the Lord. They will live in peace and if anyone tries to fight them it will not be because the Lord who sent them. They will not succeed. No weapon they built will be able to penetrate Israel. Everyone who accused Israel will be silenced. God will vindicate them. *** In that day, Israel will be fed spiritual food. It will be available to the rich and the poor. Jesus came to the meek and lowly and also to the high and mighty. He fed his people spiritual meat and bread. Many nations will come to Israel to obey their God. *** Isaiah told the people of his day to seek the Lord now while he was letting himself be found. His call to them was to repent because God would forgive them. He told them that God’s thoughts are not theirs and his ways are not theirs. They are higher. God sees from a much higher vantage point. He sees the past, present and future all in one glance. We can only see our present and remember our past. *** God’s Word is like seed that is sent forth and watered by the water from heaven. God’s Word always bears fruit and accomplishes what he wants accomplished on the earth. He plans to replace the thorns and nettles with fruitful trees. God’s people will be the fruitful trees. *** In Chapter 56 God tells them how to live. They must be just and fair to everyone. He speaks to the ones who have been transgendered and will never have any children of their own. He tells them that they will have a memorial and a name much greater than their children could ever give them. This will be exciting to see how this plays out. Remember Daniel and his friends fell in this category. *** Gentiles who choose God as their God will be blessed and be treated just like the Jew. God will receive their sacrifices and offerings. God’s Temple will be called a house of prayer. *** God calls for the wild animals to come and feast on the corpses of the wicked. The good people who are collateral damage do not go unnoticed by God. He is saving them from the evil day and they will rest in peace. *** Isaiah calls out the children of witches and offspring of adulterers and prostitutes. They mock, lie and sin. They worship pagan idols with great passion and sacrifice their own children to Molech. Their Satanic symbols are everywhere and their so called good deeds will be exposed. Nothing they did or can do will save them. They will perish with their gods, but the righteous will possess the land. *** In Ephesians, Paul addressed the children to obey their parents. He told the fathers to not provoke their children to anger by the way they treated them. He told the slaves to have deep respect for their boss and to work like they were working for the Lord. He admonished the masters to treat their workers like they would want God their master to treat them. *** Lastly, Paul reminded them that our battle is not with flesh and blood but with evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, again mighty powers in the dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. When we put on God’s armor we can resist the enemy. His armor is truth, peace, faith, salvation and his Word which is our weapon. *** Lord, we trust in your Word that will not return to you void but accomplish what it is set out to do.

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