Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Wed.’s Devo - Living a Life that Matters

Read: Ecclesiastes 7:1-9:18; 2 Corinthians 7:8-16; Psalm 48:1-14; Proverbs 22:17-19
Solomon begins by saying that a good reputation is a valued achievement. He honors the day we die over the day we are born because our life is celebrated in death. Death always causes us to examine our future and the lives we are living which is very healthy.
He warns us not to feed our anger. When we are going through a trial we don’t understand, we need to remember that God brings both trials and blessings and they are both to teach us. Experience gives us wisdom and wisdom helps us be well-rounded.
Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines, yet he says that he has not found a single woman who was upright! He only found one man who was upright. I wonder if he was referring to himself!
He concludes that man has no control over life. God blesses the upright and the wicked and what happens to either are in his hands. Solomon loses some of his cynical spirit when he tells us to enjoy life, fear God and do what we are doing with all our heart.
Paul remembers his first letter of rebuke and how hard it was for him to write it, but how glad he is that he did it because they heeded what he wrote and repented. He commends them for this and the way they received Titus and loved him.
Lord, may we seek after wisdom even if we know it comes through experiencing trials. It is all for your glory.

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