Saturday, September 21, 2019

Sat.’s Devo - God is Sovereign

Read: Isaiah 37:1-38:22; Galatians 6:1-18; Psalm 65:1-13; Proverbs 23:24
When the news of what the field commander had threatened Jerusalem with reached Hezekiah, he also tore his clothes and put on sackcloth and went into the temple to pray. He sent his three messengers to find Isaiah and bring him to the temple. This was the right response to fear and confusion. Seek God and find others who can hear what God has to say.
Isaiah sent word to Hezekiah not to fear because God was going to put a spirit in Sennacherib, the king of Assyria, and he would hear a report that would cause him to go home where he would be killed in his own country. It happened just as Isaiah said it would. Assyria started fighting somewhere else but before the army left Jerusalem the field commander sent word that they would return to destroy them. They were not to think that their God would be able to save them against their army because none of the other gods of the other countries could save them.
Hezekiah took this letter and spread it on the floor in the temple to pray over it. Isaiah sent word to Hezekiah that God had not been blind to all the damage the king of Assyria had done on the earth and all the blasphemy he had spoken against the Lord. But, long ago, God had planned that Sennacherib would put to shame those nations. But now it was his turn to be judged and God would drag him back to his home where he would deal with him there. As for Hezekiah and Jerusalem, God would redeem a remnant of survivors that would prosper and bear fruit. Sennacherib would not enter Jerusalem or harm it in any way. God would defend Jerusalem.
That night the angel of the Lord went out and put 185,000 Assyrians to death. Sennecherib went home and was killed by his own men and his son, Esarhaddon became king.
Hezekiah acquired a fatal boil. God sent Isaiah to Hezekiah to tell him to get his house in order because he was about to die. Hezekiah cried out to the Lord reminding him of his faithfulness to the Lord and God granted him 15 more years. He should have spent them getting his house in order. We will read the rest tomorrow.
Paul told the Galatians to gently restore those who are caught in a sin and stay humble and teachable so it won’t happen to them also. He encouraged them not to grow weary in doing the right thing even if they don’t see the rewards right away; one day they would.
Paul addressed the issue of circumcision again. The pressure to get circumcised was great. If they did, they wouldn’t be persecuted and the religious people would boast in another proselyte. It was like the mark of the beast will be one day. It makes it easier to navigate on the earthly plane but cost you everything spiritually. We face our own pressures to conform to the guidelines of religion when you can not put God in a box with borders.
Lord, help us not to be conformed to this world or the world of religion, but teach us to live in the spiritual world of your kingdom.

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