Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Tues.’s Devo - Salvation through Faith

Read: Isaiah 25:1-28:13; Galatians 3:10-22; Psalm 61:1-8; Proverbs 23:17-18
Isaiah praised the Lord because he had seen God bring down the proud nations to ruins and protect the poor and needy. This is a picture of the end when the kingdom of Satan will be brought down and his people watching will be silenced. God will prepare a banquet for his overcoming bride on the mountain of his kingdom in Jerusalem. Death will be swallowed up forever and God will wipe every tear from our eyes and remove the shame of our sins and the disgrace of the world. It will make the suffering and trouble of walking in a hostile world all worthwhile.
We will see the world’s kingdoms come down as God’s hand brings judgment to his enemies and salvation to his followers. Those that have died in the Lord will receive their bodies resurrected from the grave.
Satan will be punished. We will see the fruitfulness of a sinless land. All the idols will be devastated in the last battle. God will blow the trumpet and gather all his people to worship him on his holy mountain in Jerusalem. God will reign with perfect justice.
The self-righteous people who heard Isaiah’s prophecies accused him of talking like a child with nursery rhymes because they could not understand spiritual things. The truth of the gospel has always been foolishness to the world but wisdom to the children of God.
In Galatians, we learn that the promise of grace through faith was given 430 years before the law. It was given to Abraham that through his seed, they could inherit the promise. The law was given by God through a mediator . If you observed all of it you were justified, but if your didn’t you were cursed. The seed God spoke about to Abraham was manifested many years later in Jesus as the fulfillment of the promise. We have been redeemed from the curse of the law through Jesus. Tomorrow we will complete this thought.
Lord, thank you that we live in the promise and not the law. Thank you for sending your seed that we might be born again into your family of grace and love.

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