Saturday, September 28, 2019

Sat.’s Devo - Restoration and Joy

Read: Isaiah 54:1-57:13; Ephesians 6:1-24; Psalm 70:1-5; Proverbs 24:8
Todays reading reads like a cymbal being clanged, or whatever you do to cymbals. It is a loud and joyful declaration of reversals from sorrow to joy. Instead of lack, there will be abundance. Instead of fear and disgrace, there will be hope and acceptance. God’s rebuke turns to peace and comfort.
God called the weary to rest, and the poor to his table to remind them of his everlasting covenant with them. He called all the sinners and those that were hungry to turn to him and be forgiven. He reminded them that his thoughts were not their thoughts. They would have not been able to imagine how gracious God was and how he would turn everything around for them. He would always perform his Word.
When I read Chapter 28, I always get the mental picture of the cartoon version of Cinderella with all the birds making her dress and all creation making sure she was the most beautiful of all. This is my version of what is happening here. God is using all creation to bless his people. He is gathering the exiles to him and giving them a new home, a new name and a new glory.
It is also a time to punish those who were enemies of God and his people. The false gods and idols are exposed and those that worshipped them in secret are revealed. When God’s people are exalted, evil is exposed and judged.
In Ephesians God deals with our relationship with people. We love God by loving his children. We honor God by honoring the ones he has put in authority over us. We treat others the way God treats us.
He reminds us that our struggle is not with people, but the spirits that are controlling them. That is a hard one to remember at times, but it is revelation when we do. It is the only way we can love some people.
Paul commands us to put on the full armor of God so that when the day comes that we need it, we will be ready. We never know what day we are going to be attacked, so we always need to walk in the truth of the Word, have a heart of righteousness, and be ready to give our testimony of salvation. Our minds are to carry the thoughts of God, we need to know how to proclaim God’s Word against the enemy and our faith needs to be active. We cannot afford to go asleep spiritually or take the day off. That doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy life, it just means that we take Jesus with us in everything we do.
Lord, we choose to walk in your ways, having your thoughts and enjoying your presence, today.

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